Finding ways to stay in touch with your ex-spouse or partner during the summer months can help you co-parent more successfully. Providing accurate and comprehensive information in a timely way is a recommended best practice by many family courts and child welfare organizations. Making sure that both parents maintain open lines of communication throughout vacations and other activities during the summer months can allow you and your former partner to provide the best possible care for your children.

Managing Medical Care
Making sure that both you and your co-parent are on the same page as far as immunizations, doctor’s visits and other key elements of medical care for your children is essential. Your children depend on you as their parent to provide them with the safest and most effective support for their health throughout their formative years. Providing your former partner with information on the medical treatments provided to your children and requesting the same information in return is the best way to keep your children healthy during childhood and adolescence.
If a medical emergency does arise, letting your co-parent know as quickly as possible is the best way to provide your child with the support needed to deal with this issue. Be sure to provide your ex-partner with information on the nature of the emergency, the location of the hospital or clinic at which your child is being seen, the condition for which he or she is being treated and the name of a doctor or representative at the facility to contact for more information.

Choosing a Form of Communication
Selecting a primary method for contacting your co-parent and using it faithfully can help both of you stay in touch regarding the most important events in the lives of your children. The method you choose will often have a great deal to do with the degree of comfort you feel in discussing matters with your former spouse or partner:

- Telephone contact methods are ideal for parents who are on good terms and who can discuss matters without anger or hurt feelings. These contact strategies are straightforward and direct, which can save time and effort for both of you in managing your parenting duties.
- Text messages are convenient and can offer fast delivery and response times. Making sure you include all the relevant information in your texts can allow you to avoid misunderstandings and ensure open lines of communication about your children.
- Emails are useful for less urgent information, including vacation schedules, telephone numbers and routine medical care. If email is your chosen primary method of communication, establishing a back-up procedure for delivering immediate information is often the best way to ensure that these messages are seen right away. For example, calling about medical emergencies is often a faster method for letting your co-parent know about an emergency rather than emailing, which might not be seen for hours or even days.
Keeping your communications cordial and to the point is recommended to promote better understanding between you and your co-parent after your divorce. Focusing specifically on matters dealing with your children and their care will make it easier to provide the best support for them now and for years to come.