Knowing when to allow your lawyer to do the talking on your behalf can help you avoid some serious issues with your divorce proceedings. Your attorney can provide you with the representation and the negotiation skills needed to navigate this complex process more easily and with fewer snags along the way. Here are some topics about which it is often more beneficial to keep quiet and let your attorney speak during a divorce.
Money Matters
Money can often be a source of contention in a marriage. Even for couples who have agreed to divorce mediation, this can still be a sore subject that can lead to disagreements and arguments. Some of the most common points of disagreement about finances include the following:
- Spousal support and child support
- Distribution of assets and financial resources
- The assignment of debts to one or both divorcing partners
- Assets that were brought by one partner to the marriage and that remain his or her separate property
Allowing your attorney to represent your interests in financial discussions can help you and your former spouse to avoid unwanted unpleasantness and arguments during the divorce process. This can also protect you against some of the more common tactics used to reduce your share of the assets in a contested divorce.

Child Custody Arrangements
Determining child custody and child support arrangements is also a source of stress for divorcing couples. Your attorney can negotiate these arrangements much more easily and with less emotional baggage attached to the discussion.
Some of the most important elements to keep in mind when negotiating child custody and visitation include the following:
- Religious preferences of both partners
- Health care insurance coverage and health care arrangements
- Visitation rights, including schedules and holidays
- Living arrangements for minor children
- Educational arrangements, including college funds and plans
By explaining to your attorney what you want and what you are willing to accept, you can avoid emotional outbursts and disputes that could delay the progress of your divorce. Ensuring that these discussions take place in a calm and considered environment is essential to protect the interests of minor children.

Litigatory Issues
During divorce mediation or court proceedings, your attorney can provide the benefits of his or her expertise in navigating legal proceedings, filing paperwork and making sure that all aspects of your divorce are handled promptly and in the approved way. Your divorce lawyer is qualified to deal with all these matters in a timely fashion to keep your proceedings moving forward.
Abusive Relationships
If you have been the victim of emotional or physical abuse during your relationship with your former spouse, your attorney can take some of the fear and stress out of the divorce process by serving as your representative during all meetings with your former partner. This can help you to feel more confident and less worried about these potential confrontations while minimizing the risk to you personally. Divorce mediation is generally not recommended for couples when allegations of abuse are part of these proceedings.
Letting your lawyer speak on your behalf can help you navigate the divorce process more easily and can ensure the best outcomes for you, your children and your former spouse. This can provide you with added confidence and peace of mind during these legal proceedings.