The coronavirus pandemic has had a real impact on almost every aspect of American society. Shelter-in-place orders and work-from-home arrangements have created enforced closeness for many couples who may be unaccustomed to spending so much time together. Finding new strategies to keep your marriage strong can help you to avoid divorce in California. Here are five ideas that could save your marriage and your sanity.

Establish Your Own Space
If you and your spouse are both currently working from home, staking your claim to your own space is essential to ensure greater productivity and to promote marital harmony. Your workspace should have the resources you need to complete tasks for your job, including a desk and chair, computer, phone and the outlets needed for these devices. By creating your own dedicated space for work activities, you can not only maintain separation between work and off hours but prevent constant distractions caused by your significant other.
Set Boundaries
Make sure your spouse and children are aware that you should not be interrupted or disturbed during your working hours unless it is absolutely necessary. This will allow you to get more done and will prevent many frustrations associated with work-from-home arrangements. If you have children, consider staggering your work schedules to allow each of you to have uninterrupted work time and to share the parenting responsibilities evenly.

Share the Work
When both you and your spouse are working from home, it can be easy to slip into normal at-home roles in which you or your partner makes coffee, cooks breakfast, cleans up dishes and cleans the house. If one person is doing the majority of the tasks it can breed resentment, which is why it is important to make sure you and your partner share tasks equally. Doing this can promote greater harmony in your relationship when working from your home.

Keep Regular Hours
Since you no longer have a commute, it can be tempting to add the hours saved to your working day. Instead, consider spending time with your spouse and your children. The time saved by not driving to work can allow you to work on household projects together, play games or even just cuddle up to watch television. This can bring you closer together as a couple and as a family while allowing you to make lasting happy memories during this difficult time.
Consider Your Options
If you have been considering a divorce in California, this may be the ideal time to take stock of your relationship and determine whether divorce is the right course of action for you. Touching base with an attorney who specializes in family law will often provide you with the information you need to move forward and to get on with your life after the pandemic is over.
The law firm Brungess and Kezirian, LLP has been practicing family law for more than three decades. If you are thinking about divorce in California, they can provide you with mediation and collaborative solutions to promote the best outcomes for all parties. To learn more or to begin the legal process of divorce, call 559-226-4008.