The Easter holiday is just around the corner. For some families, it will be a fun-filled day replete with gorgeous pastel colors, candy eggs, and even delightful photo opportunities with the fabled Easter bunny. For other families, the festivities might not be as exciting. Many divorced parents tend to struggle with sharing custody during major holidays like Easter. For those parents who will spend some time with their kids on that Sunday, this Easter will certainly be one to remember. However, the other co-parent will definitely feel left out and sad particularly if the divorce was finalized recently. Should you be on that boat, here are some tips you can use if you have to deal with shared custody this Easter holiday.

Make the compromise for the sake of your children
No matter how hard you wish for it, you might perhaps not spend time with your kids on Easter Sunday. Yet, that does not in any way mean you won’t have the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with them. Traditionally, Easter starts with Holy Thursday and ends with Easter Sunday. So you can always come to an arrangement with your co-parent in which the children spend two consecutive days with each parent. For instance, you could have them with you for Holy Thursday and Good Friday and let them spend Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday with your ex-partner. If this doesn’t work out for one reason or the other, spring break is approaching and you may postpone your Easter celebrations with your children to a different weekend.
Put your children’s needs first
You might be still grappling with some leftover issues pertaining to your divorce. As it was earlier mentioned, maybe your marriage ended just recently, and you haven’t had sufficient time to move on. You might be wondering what is there to be joyous about this Easter? While all this is fine and good, it doesn’t mean you should transfer your grief, frustrations, and worries to your kids when you spend time with them. So try to leave all your adult issues out of this festive weekend. In case you find yourself unconsciously reverting back to the negative memories, take time to reflect on just how you treasure your children and how you adore spending some quality time with them. Try to make sure their needs always take first priority.

Keep it simple
Oftentimes, many co-parents are pressured into planning over-the-top family activities whenever they host their kids, particularly over weekend holidays. You might be tempted to take your children out on theme park trips or perhaps lavish pricey gifts on them. For most divorced parents this can be the best way to suitably impress their children and portray some sense of superiority over the other co-parent. Nevertheless, it is important to note that what kids need the most is a sense of normalcy. This means it can be helpful to establish an ordinary post-divorce life whenever you have your children in your care. For instance, this coming Easter, you may spend the day dyeing Easter eggs with them, riding bikes with them, or simply playing with the family pet together. All of these activities can be as fun as going on a trip to Disney World.
Try to make new memories and family traditions
If you are newly divorced, this Easter might seem quite different from all the other Easters you have celebrated with your loved ones. Still, you could make the effort of living out the various family traditions you have cherished over the years. Alternatively, this should not stop you from trying out new ideas on how to make your time with your children this Easter memorable. Granted, it is okay to feel sad about the Easters you spent as one family in the past, but this is also a splendid opportunity to make new memories and traditions.

Make some me-time for yourself
It is important to always look at the brighter side of things. So if you can’t possibly spend some time with your kids this Easter holiday, you should try to focus more on yourself. You can spend the long weekend relaxing and pampering yourself. For example, you could plan to eat out, spend the day by the beach or even head to a spa. On the other hand, if you are a religious person, you can join other believers in the church to commemorate the religious aspect of the Easter holiday.
Sharing custody during this coming Easter does not have to be as difficult as it seems at face value. With some compromise and creative thinking, you can make this Easter holiday one that your kids remember for years to come.