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How to approach a divorce and child custody battle without compromising your kid’s well-being.

We are here and ready to advise you every step of the way as you prepare for a contested divorce…

At Brungess and Kezirian, LLP, our experienced adoption and guardianship attorneys are here to guide you

Divorce proceedings are already emotionally and complex, and the advent of social media adds complexity.

Premarital agreements and why we highly recommend you speak with a family attorney

Prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups, have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among high-net-worth individuals and those who…

According to a number of reputable surveys, inquiries about and filings for divorce increase in the month of January nearly…

The holidays are a joyous time for most families and offer plenty of opportunities for sharing the spirit of the…

From a scheduling standpoint, the holidays for separated parents always seem to creep up on people unawares. Many co-parents tend…