The impact of social media on everyday life has been considerable. If you use these sites to communicate with family members or to stay in touch with friends, you should be aware that sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are not without their risks and drawbacks. Postings on these platforms can sometimes be used as evidence in legal proceedings to support one side of a case. Here are some important points to keep in mind about social media and divorce in the state of California.
Your Posts Could Be Used in Child Custody Proceedings
Your former spouse may be able to use the information you post on social media sites as evidence in custody disputes during or after your divorce. Making sure your photos and postings are positive and kid-friendly will generally minimize the chance that your social media activity can be presented in a negative light during these types of proceedings.
Your Former Spouse May See Your Complaints
It may be tempting to vent about your ex-partner on social media sites and other venues. Even if your profile is private, however, it may be possible for your partner’s attorney to gain access to it. Mutual friends may also share your comments with your former spouse, which could make it more difficult for you to come to reasonable accommodations regarding the division of assets and debts, child custody and other issues related to your divorce.

Your Finances May Be Exposed
Posting about your brand-new car or your luxury vacation may be an appealing way to reach out to your friends. It can also serve as a warning signal to your spouse that you may not have disclosed all your assets. Even if you have been completely honest about your financial situation, social media posts about your spending habits could potentially be used against you in court as evidence that you have assets you have not disclosed during the divorce process. This can prolong the proceedings and could end up costing you money over the long run. It is usually best to keep social media and divorce separate in the state of California.
You May Reveal Your Relationships
It is common for divorcing couples to experience jealousy, anger or possessiveness regarding their former partners. If you have recently met someone new, it might be a good idea to keep that information away from social media until your divorce is final. This can help you to avoid unpleasant scenes with your former spouse and could reduce the degree of conflict when negotiating the terms of your divorce in California.

Social Media Posts Could Influence Your Children
If your kids are old enough to read and use devices to access social media, it is best to avoid posting anything on social media sites that might not be suitable for them to see. The wrong postings could have an impact on their impression of both you and your former spouse and could make your divorce even more difficult for everyone involved.
A little common sense will usually be your best guide when deciding whether to post or not to post on social media during your divorce. Keeping your children in mind and trying to maintain civility between you and your former spouse is the best way to navigate social media and divorce in California.