Modern technologies are making it easier for divorcing couples to navigate the legal process and to streamline their proceedings. This can add up to reduced costs and improved communication between former partners. Learning about the available applications and how they can help you to manage the process of divorcing will allow both you and your partner to communicate clearly and to navigate the dissolution of your marriage in the most practical and positive way possible. These four tools can help you deal with the process from start to finish.

Designed to help divorcing couples manage the legal process more effectively, is an ideal starting point for obtaining information on divorce in California. This app allows clear and accurate communication between divorcing couples and their attorneys. You and your former partner can fill in forms online, provide information about income, expenses, assets and debts and access databases of information that can make the legal process much simpler and less stressful for both of you. Your attorneys will also appreciate the convenience and ease of use of this advanced computer application, which allows practical case management for attorneys and law firms in managing the dissolution of your marriage.
Another application designed specifically for use during divorce proceedings, FamilyDocket allows for the capture of text messages between divorcing couples and the storage of a wide range of information, including the following:

- Reimbursable expense requests and reports
- Tasks assigned to and information returned by divorcing couples
- Supporting documents for cases
- Summary emails that offer prioritized access to urgent items and tasks that require your review
- A searchable database of information that can put all documents relevant to your case at your attorney’s fingertips.
This advanced technological tool is ideal for managing cases that are being handled by collaborative attorneys as well as traditional court proceedings. By taking advantage of this practical application, you and your former partner can often reduce the amount of time needed to complete the dissolution of your marriage in the state of California.

For families dealing with child support and expense sharing arrangements, SupportPay offers real advantages. SupportPay offers one-stop solutions for making, recording and receiving child support, alimony, spousal support, and expenses. This is a practical way for divorcing or divorced couples to manage the monetary aspects of their breakup without requiring personal contact or the stress that can sometimes accompany in-person meetings.
Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard is a great way to begin the process of co-parenting on the right note. By allowing you to communicate with your former spouse in the most positive way, this application allows a more collaborative co-parenting experience for both of you. The information stored in Our Family Wizard can also provide added documentation for your attorneys to help streamline the process of divorcing in California.
If looking for another helpful app to assist with communicating with a co-parent, read our previous post on using the coParenter App, which integrates artificial intelligence and human mediation to promote the best outcomes for children and their parents after a divorce.