Divorce can be painful and emotionally draining even when the proceedings are amicable. Finding ways to deal with the stress associated with the California divorce process can provide you with added emotional resources to draw on during this difficult time. Here are five tested strategies to help you navigate divorce in a healthy and stress free way.

Get Some Exercise
Exercising and staying fit can help you drain off some nervous energy and build strength. This added physical activity can also help to balance your hormonal levels to deal with the stress of your divorce and all the associated activities and responsibilities. By taking time out for fitness and health, you can even boost your immune system to reduce the risk of colds and other illnesses that could slow you down during this critical time of your life.
Catch Up on Sleep
Just as exercise helps you build strength and endurance, sleep is necessary to rest your mind and to provide you with greater emotional stability. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults require seven or more hours of sleep every night to enjoy the best possible health. More than one-third of adults report sleeping less than the recommended amount on a regular basis. By making sure that you get plenty of sleep, you can increase your ability to take on new challenges and to deal with the California divorce process more effectively every day.

Talk to a Friend
Setting aside some time to share your emotional journey with your friends can ensure that you maintain valuable perspective on your situation. By seeking support from loyal and trusted family members and friends, you can feel less alone during your divorce proceedings. Lunches, get-togethers and movie nights can be good ways to boost your spirits and to help you maintain the most positive attitude on your current situation and your future prospects.

Keep a Journal
Writing down your thoughts, feelings and experiences during the California divorce process can also help you achieve a more positive perspective on these events and activities. By keeping a comprehensive written record, you may also be able to look back on these events and to share them with others who may be in a similar situation in the future.
Consider Collaborative Divorce
If you and your former partner are still on reasonably amicable terms, a collaborative divorce arrangement might be the right solution for you. By working together to come to mutually beneficial agreements, you and your former spouse can often reduce the stress associated with divorce and can enjoy the greatest possible flexibility when dealing with issues related to child custody, division of assets and debts and living arrangements after the divorce is final. This can help each of you to move on in a more positive and practical way.
Collaborative divorce is not for everyone. It is not recommended, for example, in cases where physical or emotional abuses have taken place. If you and your partner are on reasonably good terms and can discuss issues safely and rationally, you may be good candidates for this style of divorce in California.