Benefit of Collaborative Divorce: Maintaining the Family Dynamic
When you contemplate divorce, maintaining your children’s health and well-being through the process is naturally one of your primary concerns. Traditional divorces can instill a feeling of combativeness, a “me against them” mentality. You can often feel alone in a world filled with legal terms and strangers. This can lead to the stress of feeling like you are unable to protect your children. Collaborative divorce offers you the opportunity to avoid the “war” that divorce can become. You and your partner chose to become married. It was a time of joy and hope for the future. While divorce is indeed an end to those original expectations, it should not need to be the end of your family or the hope and future of a healthy family life for your children. You can choose to work together to plan a future for your children that is still safe and secure. It can be a healthy and family centered environment for them, while providing you with the freedom of choice and security that you are protecting and providing for them with minimal interference from “strangers.” When you choose Collaborative divorce the decisions remain with you. We work with you to effectively communicate your desires for the disposition not only of your possessions, but more importantly of the time and assets you both believe are important to your children. We work as a team to effectively come up with a divorce solution that you both agree is beneficial to each of you and your children in your newly defined family. As a team, our goal is to: Be more efficient with your time and money Limit the number of decisions left exclusively up to the court Keep much of the decision-making power with you Instill and nurture a civil, respectful, cooperative attitude in the divorce process Reduce the stress of divorce so you and your spouse can continue to effectively parent your children. A divorce, regardless of the process you choose, will never be easy. It is a difficult time filled with important decisions and discussions. It does not have to be a fight. By choosing Collaborative Divorce you begin working toward a positive, safe solution for everyone. Call to set up a time to speak with our collaborative attorneys about how you can get started on a family-centered solution.
Benefit of Collaborative Divorce: Maintaining the Family Dynamic Read More »