Why January Is Such a Popular Month to Divorce
According to a number of reputable surveys, inquiries about and filings for divorce increase in the month of January nearly every year.
Why January Is Such a Popular Month to Divorce Read More »
According to a number of reputable surveys, inquiries about and filings for divorce increase in the month of January nearly every year.
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Divorce mediation is a solid choice for couples who are on relatively good terms during their divorce proceedings. By opting for a mediated divorce rather than going to court to determine the terms of your divorce, you can often create mutually beneficial arrangements that will help both you and your former partner move on with your lives. Mediation may also be recommended for couples with children to provide the most comfortable interactions between parents and the best environment for children when navigating a divorce. Deciding whether mediation is the right choice for you and your former spouse can help you manage your divorce in the most practical way for your situation. Are You a Good Candidate for Divorce Mediation? Couples that successfully navigate the mediation process generally share some common traits. These characteristics can make the difference between a mediated divorce and one that ends up in court because of issues that cannot be resolved in a less formal setting. Here are some of the most important elements that must be present for mediation to be successful. Both Parties Must Agree to the Divorce The first and most important element for mediating your divorce successfully is an agreement on the part of both you and your former partner to divorce. Mediation is not appropriate for cases in which one partner does not want to divorce and is likely to contest those proceedings in and out of court. There Must Be No History of Abuse If abuse has been present at any point during the relationship, mediation is unlikely to be the right solution for your divorce. This includes abuse of your children as well as domestic abuse. If you or your former spouse have a history of abuse, enlisting a divorce attorney and going to court is usually the best way to deal with child custody and other matters pertaining to your divorce proceedings. You Should Be Able and Willing to Communicate Clearly Establishing clear lines of communication and being able to talk calmly and without undue emotion is also essential for a successful mediation process. This may involve talking with your mediation attorney or directly with your former spouse. In either case, leaving the anger and disappointment behind during mediation is likely to provide you with a better experience and more practical solutions throughout your divorce process. Both Parties Should Be Willing to Compromise Compromise and negotiation are at the heart of the mediation process. If you are unwilling to give up any of the things you want to reach an equitable agreement about, mediation is not the right choice for you. Negotiating a mutually satisfactory divorce will require a fair amount of give and take for both you and your former partner. A willingness to compromise is one of the most essential elements in a successful mediation process. For couples who are on fairly good terms, divorce mediation can provide added control over the process and the outcomes of these proceedings. This will often allow you and your former spouse to make the most practical decisions for your children and to move on with your lives in the most positive way possible.
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Finances are often a major concern for divorcing couples. Joint credit cards can present significant challenges during the process of dividing assets and liabilities. It can be very difficult to determine the source of the charges on these accounts, which could lead to significant disagreements and conflict. Here are some of the most practical options for dealing with credit card debt during your divorce. Cancel Your Cards File Quickly If you and your former spouse are on unfriendly terms, filing quickly and getting your financial assets and debts on the record will protect you against unexpected changes to your credit card balances. Once your financial information is on record, any added charges made by your former spouse will be evident and factored into the division of assets and debts. This will help protect you and your financial situation during the first stages of the dissolution of your marriage and will allow you to move forward without the burden of crippling debt that you did not incur. Maintain Careful Records If you and your former partner have large amounts of credit card debt, it might be worthwhile to see a credit counseling agency to find practical ways to reduce this debt before beginning the divorce process. This can allow both of you to begin your lives in a better financial position and will provide benefits that will last for years to come. Finding the best ways to deal with joint credit cards and credit card debt can make divorcing your partner a much less stressful process. Using a few practical strategies will provide you with the best outcomes for your financial situation and your future.
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Deciding to go ahead with divorce proceedings can evoke complex emotions. In some cases, however, divorce is the best possible solution for one or both parties. Here are some situations in which experts agree that divorce is usually the most appropriate and safest response for those involved. Physical Abuse If your spouse or partner has abused you or your children, removing yourself from the relationship can prevent further incidents that could cause serious injuries or even death. It is essential to take your children and yourself out of this unhealthy environment. Failing to act could leave you open to even more severe abuse. Organizations are available to provide protection for children and spouses who have suffered physical abuse at the hands of their partners. If looking for a local center in Fresno, California, reach out to the Marjaree Mason Center by calling their 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at (559) 233-HELP. It is important to remember that taking steps to stop the cycle of abuse now can lead to a happier future for you and those you love. Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse may be harder to identify. If your partner routinely makes comments intended to belittle or degrade you or your children, removing yourself and your children from that environment can help you maintain healthy self-esteem and can instill a sense of self-worth that can lead to a happier life in the future. If your children are often targeted for these abusive comments or attitudes, taking them out of this toxic environment and raising them in a more positive space can often help them to become healthy and well-balanced adults in the future. Repeated Infidelity While one isolated mistake may not be enough to break up a marriage, repeated incidents of infidelity can cause serious rifts between couples that could lead to hostility and unhappiness. This can create an unhealthy environment in which to raise children and a source of friction between the two parties involved. If you feel that your partner’s infidelity is unacceptable, filing for divorce can mark the beginning of a new start for both of you. Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol Drug and alcohol abuse can transform the person you married into a stranger. An occasional drink is not generally cause for concern. If your partner is drunk or under the influence of drugs on a regular basis and is unwilling to discuss or cut back on the use of these substances, a divorce may be the best answer for you. This is especially true if you have minor children or if your partner is involved in illegal activities because of his or her addiction or alcoholism. By separating yourself from these activities and the criminal element that may be associated with them, you can protect your own parental rights and avoid the risk involved in your partner’s actions. If you find yourself in any of the situations listed above and are considering filing for divorce in California, contact the Law Office of Julia Ann Brungess for legal help.
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If you are currently considering divorce proceedings, opting for alternative dispute resolutions may provide significant benefits for you and your former partner. Choosing to work together to reach a resolution of the issues involved in your California divorce can reduce stress on all parties. How Mediation Can Help For those willing to set aside their grievances and work together to reach mutually beneficial solutions, divorce mediation services can assist in addressing issues in your separation and divorce, including the following: Child support Child custody, including living arrangements, health care, educational options and religious upbringingDivision of assets and debts Sale of shared property Spousal support By discussing these issues with an impartial mediator, you and your former partner can often come to workable agreements without hashing these problems out in court. This could potentially save you money and time in finalizing your divorce proceedings and getting on with your lives under your joint terms. Collaborative Divorce Without Court Collaborative divorce proceedings also provide support for couples in the state of California. This process begins when each partner hires a collaborative attorney who then advises that party in connection with his or her concerns and interests. By providing a safe environment in which to share information, you and your spouse are given every opportunity to find workable solutions for your family. By opting for collaborative divorce without court, you can often enjoy the most amicable resolution for your separation and divorce proceedings while avoiding the tremendous emotional and financial cost of litigation. The Advantages of Settling Divorce Out of Court Resolving your divorce amicably through mediation or collaborative divorce proceedings can provide significant benefits for you and your family. Some of the most important advantages of these processes include the following: Collaborative or mediated divorce proceedings can reduce stress for you and your former spouse and lead to an amicable relationship after the proceedings are complete. Your children do not experience the animosity and anger that can be exacerbated in litigated divorce. Instead, their lives are not disrupted and they can maintain a healthier attitude toward both parents. Opting for mediation or collaborative arrangements can often reduce the time needed to resolve your issues and finalize your divorce. The overall cost of collaborative divorce or mediated proceedings can be less than the cost of fighting it out in court. Arrangements that are agreed upon in mediation or collaboration can usually be altered to suit changing needs without applying to the court. This can make a big difference in the amount of paperwork and inconvenience involved in making changes to the provisions of your divorce. By opting for divorce without court, you and your former spouse can enjoy these benefits and can finalize your California divorce in the most practical and stress-free way possible. If looking for legal assistance with your divorce proceeding in or around Fresno, California, contact us at Kezirian Law, P.C. It is our vision to promote, preserve or restore healthy family relationships during challenging legal transitions.
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If you are currently considering your divorce options in the state of California, collaborative divorce may be a good solution for you and your former spouse. These arrangements are ideal for couples who are still on relatively good terms and who wish to streamline the divorce process. Here are five reasons to consider collaborative arrangements when planning to divorce in California. Better for the Children If you and your former partner have minor children, choosing collaboration rather than an adversarial approach can help you provide a more stable and emotionally supportive environment for the younger members of your family. By modeling friendly and cooperative behavior in front of your children, you can provide them with a good example while ensuring that they feel loved and protected throughout the divorce process. Better for Your Emotional Health Discussing matters calmly with the help of a trained collaborative professional can provide you with added peace of mind during divorce proceedings. Rather than battling it out in court, you can engage in peaceful discussions about finances, child custody, division of assets and other matters related to the dissolution of your marriage. This can help you to stay calm and more focused on other matters throughout your divorce negotiations and can create an environment more conducive to compromise for you and your former spouse. Better for Your Privacy Litigated divorce proceedings are matters of public record and may be available for anyone to view. By contrast, collaborative divorce arrangements can be kept private to allow you and your family a much-needed sense of security during this stressful time. By working together to determine the best ways for you and your former partner to proceed, you can keep your confidential information private and away from the prying eyes of the public. Better for Your Finances In some cases, collaborative arrangements can be less expensive than drawn-out courtroom proceedings. This can allow you to pick up the pieces more easily and to achieve a greater degree of control over the financial expenses involved in your divorce. Depending on the type of services needed, you and your former spouse could share the services of property appraisers, brokers and other professionals needed to complete the division of assets and the determination of child custody. Better for the Future In the state of California, collaborative divorce agreements are reached without the need for the court to decide on the details of these legal arrangements. This can also allow you to make ongoing changes to these agreements without court approval. If you and your former spouse can agree on alterations to the terms reached for child custody, visitation, financial support and residence issues, you can make these changes by merely contacting your legal team. This can provide much-needed flexibility, especially for parents sharing the responsibility for minor children after a divorce. Collaborative divorce can be a cost-effective and practical solution for you and your former partner. By considering these innovative ways to resolve your marital status, you and your former spouse can enjoy the benefits of a more amicable and cooperative relationship as you begin your new lives apart. If you are interested in pursuing a collaborative divorce in or around Fresno, California, contact the Law Office of Julia Ann Brungess.
Five Reasons Collaborative Divorce May Be Your Best Option Read More »
Understanding the role of collaborative law can provide you with significant advantages when you are considering or currently in the process of seeking a divorce in the state of California. For some couples, collaborative arrangements can provide significant cost savings and can reduce the stress associated with divorce litigation. Here are some key points to keep in mind when deciding whether collaborative divorce arrangements are right for you. Collaborative Arrangements Are Best for Amicable Divorces Collaborative divorce law depends on cooperation between the two parties. If you and your former partner are on relatively good terms, collaborative arrangements can allow you to work through all the details of your divorce without litigation and court appearances. These arrangements are not right for all couples, however. If domestic violence or child abuse allegations are factors in your divorce, presenting your case before a judge is usually the best way to resolve these issues fairly. Act in the Best Interests of the Children By working together, you and your former spouse can design innovative and creative solutions that work best for your children. This can reduce stress on members of your family and allow them to weather through this challenging time with the least amount of emotional disruption. Keeping things calm and friendly can sometimes protect your children against the most negative effects of the divorce process in California. Honesty Is the Best Policy Collaborative divorce proceedings work best when both parties agree to absolute honesty in their dealings with each other. If you and your former partner are able to share financial and personal details with each other during the collaborative law process, you can often streamline the divorce process and ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone involved. You Will Still Need Representation Even though you will not be going through the typical divorce process, you will still need a representative during these collaborative arrangements. Your legal representative will be with you at each stage of the process helping you analyze issues and work toward what is best for your family. This can prevent personal hostilities from standing in the way of an equitable solution. Collaboration Can Help Even After Divorce One of the most significant benefits of collaboration during divorce is the ability to make changes to the agreements without going before the court to request them. This can prove to be very beneficial in cases involving minor children or spousal support agreements. Rather than returning to the judge and requesting even the simplest adjustments to the court-ordered arrangements, you and your partner can iron out the changes with the help of your attorney and without engaging in costly litigation after your divorce has been finalized. Choosing to pursue a collaborative approach to your California divorce can help both you and your partner achieve your goals in the most practical and peaceable way possible. This can help your minor children deal with your separation and their new living arrangements more easily and can help you set the stage for cooperating on their behalf in the future. If interested in seeking collaborative divorce services in Fresno, California, contact Kezirian Law, P.C. today!
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If you are considering divorce in the state of California, you may be wondering how the litigation process works and what steps you will have to complete to finalize your divorce. Working with an experienced family lawyer like Julia Ann Brungess or Teri Ann Kezirian, can help you to navigate this process more easily. Here are some of the most important steps you are likely to encounter during your divorce litigation proceedings. Filing for Divorce In most divorce cases, one party files for the dissolution of marriage with the court and the other party responds to this petition. The process may vary slightly depending on whether you are the petitioner or the respondent. The petition may be mailed to the respondent or delivered via personal service; responses can be made in the same way. Filing Temporary Custody and Support Requests Requests for court orders regarding child custody and financial support can be filed along with the divorce petition or in the weeks following. Your former spouse will then be given a chance to respond to these requests and make counter proposals regarding the primary custody of any minor children and the support to be provided for those children. Making Financial Disclosures You will usually be asked to provide a detailed statement of your income and assets at the time that you file for or respond to requests for custody and child or spousal support. Your attorney can usually provide you with the best possible guidance in completing this declaration of disclosure statements in a timely way. Accurate and honest statements can help you make the most positive impression on the judge overseeing your divorce litigation. Providing Protection for Minor Children If you believe your spouse may present a danger to your children, you can file for an emergency child custody request for an order that may restrict visitation rights. The California Family Code restricts the use of these emergency requests to situations in which the court identifies there is a risk of harm or abduction. Deciding on Requests for Orders If you and your spouse cannot come to a mutually acceptable agreement about child support, child custody and other requests, you may be required to appear at a hearing to determine the disposition of these matters. Your attorney will typically work with you to ensure that you are prepared for this part of the litigation process. Achieving a Resolution In some divorce cases, it may be possible to reach an agreement that suits both parties and is acceptable to the courts. However, if you and your former partner cannot come to mutually agreeable terms, your case may be determined in the courtroom setting, which may come at a considerable expense to your feelings and finances. When Collaboration Makes More Sense Collaborative divorces are not for everyone. In some cases, divorce litigation can be the best way to dissolve a marriage and to ensure the safety of minor children. For couples who can set aside their personal differences, however, the collaborative process may reduce the costs and provide the best outcomes for all parties to the divorce. This can provide greater confidence and peace of mind for you and your partner throughout the process.
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For couples who are still on relatively amicable terms despite the breakdown of their marriages, collaborative divorce proceedings can be a less stressful and healthier way to decide on important issues without anger or recriminations. These divorce arrangements require the cooperation of both parties and can sometimes reduce the financial and emotional cost of divorce in the state of California. By choosing to work collaboratively to resolve issues, you have a better opportunity to achieve the most positive outcomes for you and your family. The Initial Agreement The first step towards your collaborative arrangement is to sign a contract that clearly outlines the expectations of each party. In most cases, these contracts include an agreement not to involve a judge in the decision-making process and to disqualify your collaborative attorneys from litigating for either party if the collaborative process ends. Instead, you and your former partner will negotiate the best solutions for your situation with the help of attorneys who specialize in these types of divorce arrangements. What to Expect Depending on the type of collaborative divorce arrangement you choose, you and your ex-spouse will consult with a collaboratively trained attorney of your choosing. These two attorneys will then become a part of the collaborative team that works with you to resolve those issues unique to your situation. Your negotiation and resolution process may take a shorter or longer time depending on how quickly you and your partner can agree on various issues. Outside Expertise May Be Required If you and your partner have accumulated considerable assets or debts during your marriage, you may require additional professionals such accountants or financial planners to help value assets owned by the two of you. These advisors can provide information about the assets and debts acquired during the marriage, and along with your attorneys, offer guidance or counsel regarding the best ways to allocate these financial resources and liabilities. Child Custody and Support Deciding what parenting plan is best for your children, and implementing arrangements for their education, medical care, and religious upbringing can be among the most challenging and emotional aspects of divorce for families with children. By working together and keeping an open mind, you can help to avoid resentment and anger while ensuring the best outcomes for your children. Honesty Is the Key to Success Successful collaboration requires both parties to honest and transparent about their assets, their projected incomes and the living arrangements they can provide for minor children. By maintaining an atmosphere of openness and cooperation, you and your former spouse can come up with creative solutions that can help both of you make a fresh start. Collaborative divorce arrangements are not right for every couple. If you and your partner can set aside any lingering feelings of anger or resentment, this alternative to a traditional divorce proceeding may be the right solution for you! If you live in or around Fresno, California, and find yourself searching for additional guidance on whether a collaborative divorce may be for you, contact the Law Offices of Julia Ann Brungess. Call 559-226-4008 to schedule an appointment today!
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Divorce can be stressful for every member of the family. If you are on relatively amicable terms with your former partner, however, you may wish to consider an alternative to traditional divorce proceedings. Choosing to seek a collaborative divorce in California can reduce the stress associated with the breakup of a marriage and can allow you to enjoy a number of significant advantages during the divorce process. Here are some of the most significant benefits of seeking a collaborative divorce in California. [space_20] Collaborative Divorce May Allow for a Faster Agreement By agreeing to discuss matters about your divorce directly with your former spouse in the presence of intermediaries, you can often make real progress on dividing up assets and debts, determining the best custody arrangement for children and deciding on other important matters. This can reduce the cost of your divorce proceedings and may allow you to enjoy the best possible outcome for yourself and your former partner. [space_20] The Process May Be Less Stressful for Children Children are keen observers of emotional states, particularly when their parents are concerned. The reduced stress associated with collaborative divorce proceedings can have a positive effect on children and can help them navigate this process with minimal emotional damage. By maintaining a cordial and cooperative attitude, you and your former spouse can also model healthy behavior that can make a real impression on your children. [space_20] It May Be Easier to Move on With Your Life In some cases, collaborative divorce can provide a valuable sense of closure for you and your former partner. By working together to end the marriage and to resolve any remaining issues, you can experience greater peace of mind and an improved attitude regarding the next phase of your life. This can help you minimize regret and can enhance your ability to pursue happiness in the future. [space_20] Collaborative Divorce Can Reduce Hostility and Resentment Because collaborative arrangements provide opportunities to clear the air and to iron out differences, they can be an excellent way to release tension and eliminate hostility and resentment from the divorce process. You can work through many issues and sources of anger while working out the details of your divorce proceedings and custody arrangements. You Can Negotiate on an Even Playing Field Rather than creating an adversarial relationship in the courtroom setting and pitting your attorneys against each other to determine the victor, collaborative divorces allow you to create win-win scenarios that take into account the needs and wants of each party. This can level the playing field for both of you and can ensure a fair resolution of the issues that matter most. By opting for a collaborative divorce, you can reduce the trauma sometimes associated with contentious court proceedings. This can be a positive step for everyone involved, including you, your former spouse and your children. Working together can help you reduce the financial and emotional costs of divorce and can provide you with the perspective needed to take on the challenges of single life and to care for your children after the proceedings are complete. If interested in obtaining more details about seeking a collaborative divorce in the state of California, contact the Law Office of Julia Ann Brungess!
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