How a Collaborative Divorce Can Make Financial Sense
If you are considering a divorce in the state of California, a collaborative approach may be right for you and your partner. Collaborative divorce arrangements are best suited for those on amicable terms and with solid trust remaining in their relationships. Rather than opting for a combative confrontation in the courtroom setting, you can sometimes hash out your differences in a less stressful environment. It may be possible to reduce the cost of your divorce proceedings by taking a cooperative approach. Here are some facts every couple should know when considering collaborative arrangements for divorce. The Cost of Collaboration Can Vary Depending on the type of divorce and number of counselors and advisors needed to resolve issues between you and your former partner, the cost of collaborative arrangements can be as much or more than that of traditional divorce proceedings. Discussing the costs and the duration of these negotiations with your attorney can help you to determine whether collaborative or traditional divorce proceedings are best for your situation. For simple divorces with few issues to iron out, however, collaborations can often cost significantly less than the same proceedings in a traditional courtroom setting. Child Custody Issues Can Extend the Process If you and your partner must iron out the details of child custody, visitation and other shared responsibilities for your minor children, the process can take significantly longer and may require added funds to complete. Some of the most important child custody issues include the following: Questions about religious practice and attendance Educational arrangements Medical care and treatment Living arrangements Holiday visitation Child support payments Discussing these questions with your former partner and coming to a consensus about the best arrangements for your children can significantly speed the resolution process and can help you make the best use of your available budget. Assets and Liabilities Must Be Divided Making a thorough inventory of all outstanding debt, financial resources and real property accrued during the marriage can help you determine the most equitable way to divide these obligations and assets. This can speed up the collaborative divorce process to save both of you time and money during this difficult time. Your financial situation can play a significant role in the amount of child support, spousal support and other assets available to you and your partner after your divorce is finalized. By being honest and forthright, you can streamline the process for you and your former spouse. Emotional Issues Can Hamper Success Collaborative divorce arrangements are not for everyone. If you and your former partner cannot easily discuss sensitive issues without becoming emotional, a traditional divorce may be a more appropriate choice for your needs. Allowing your attorneys to serve as mediators can prevent unpleasant confrontations and can help you to achieve greater peace of mind throughout the divorce process. This can also reduce the overall cost of the divorce in some cases. If you are considering divorce, consulting with an attorney who specializes in California family law cases can provide you with greater insight and improved confidence during this stressful time. A collaborative divorce process can potentially save you money and time while reducing the adversarial aspects of your divorce and allowing you to maintain an amicable relationship with your former spouse. If looking for a lawyer in the Fresno, California, area to help you seek a collaborative divorce, contact the Law Office of Julia Ann Brungess.
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