Key Areas to Consider when Thinking About Divorce in California
If you and your current partner are thinking about divorce in the state of California, consulting with an experienced attorney can help you navigate this difficult time more easily. Depending on your situation, you and your spouse may have a number of issues to resolve during the divorce process. Here are some of the most important areas to consider when planning for divorce in California. Child Custody California courts often take an active role in protecting the welfare of minor children during a divorce. Some of the most common child custody issues include the following: Concerns about education, religion, and medical treatment Financial support for the needs of minor children Living arrangements and visitation rights The right of the custodial parent to move from one city or state to another Allegations of domestic abuse or dependency on drugs or alcohol on the part of one parent Retaining the services of a family law attorney can help you to resolve these issues in the best interest of everyone involved. Depending on the age of your children, the courts may consider their preferences when determining who will be given primary custodial rights. Finances Dividing your marital assets and debts in a fair and equitable manner can be a difficult task, especially if you and your spouse are not on good terms. If you are thinking of divorce, taking a financial inventory of all the assets and outstanding debts accrued during your marriage can be a good first step toward determining the best way to allocate responsibilities and resources fairly. Spousal Support Depending on the length of the marriage and the financial resources available to each partner, the courts may order spousal support payments during the proceedings or for a definite or indefinite period of time after the divorce is final. For marriages of less than ten years in duration, the California court system typically limits spousal support payments to half the length of the marriage. If you and your partner are both working and earning a living income, however, you should not depend on spousal support payments when thinking about divorce. These arrangements are usually reserved for those without other means of financial support after the end of the marriage. Child Support Child support payments may also be required to ensure the welfare of your minor children. These payments are usually made to the custodial parent and are intended to provide for the basic needs of the children. In most cases, child support payments are scaled to the income levels of the divorcing parents. If you are thinking of divorce, considering the financial impact of child support can help you prepare more effectively for these future expenses. Your attorney can help you manage the financial aspects of your divorce to ensure the most positive resolution of these issues. This can help you and your former partner enjoy a fresh start after the dissolution of your marriage. If you or your partner are thinking of divorce, considering these issues before making any legal decisions can help you to prepare for the process more efficiently. Consulting with a qualified and experienced lawyer can be a good first step toward a fair and evenhanded resolution of your marital issues. If looking for a divorce attorney in or around Fresno, California, contact the Law Office of Julia Ann Brungess. Call 559-226-4008 today!
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