
How Technology Can Help Simplify Divorce

Modern technologies are making it easier for divorcing couples to navigate the legal process and to streamline their proceedings. This can add up to reduced costs and improved communication between former partners. Learning about the available applications and how they can help you to manage the process of divorcing will allow both you and your partner to communicate clearly and to navigate the dissolution of your marriage in the most practical and positive way possible. These four tools can help you deal with the process from start to finish. Designed to help divorcing couples manage the legal process more effectively, is an ideal starting point for obtaining information on divorce in California. This app allows clear and accurate communication between divorcing couples and their attorneys. You and your former partner can fill in forms online, provide information about income, expenses, assets and debts and access databases of information that can make the legal process much simpler and less stressful for both of you. Your attorneys will also appreciate the convenience and ease of use of this advanced computer application, which allows practical case management for attorneys and law firms in managing the dissolution of your marriage. FamilyDocket Another application designed specifically for use during divorce proceedings, FamilyDocket allows for the capture of text messages between divorcing couples and the storage of a wide range of information, including the following: Reimbursable expense requests and reports Tasks assigned to and information returned by divorcing couples Supporting documents for cases Summary emails that offer prioritized access to urgent items and tasks that require your review A searchable database of information that can put all documents relevant to your case at your attorney’s fingertips. This advanced technological tool is ideal for managing cases that are being handled by collaborative attorneys as well as traditional court proceedings. By taking advantage of this practical application, you and your former partner can often reduce the amount of time needed to complete the dissolution of your marriage in the state of California. SupportPay For families dealing with child support and expense sharing arrangements, SupportPay offers real advantages. SupportPay offers one-stop solutions for making, recording and receiving child support, alimony, spousal support, and expenses. This is a practical way for divorcing or divorced couples to manage the monetary aspects of their breakup without requiring personal contact or the stress that can sometimes accompany in-person meetings. Our Family Wizard Our Family Wizard is a great way to begin the process of co-parenting on the right note. By allowing you to communicate with your former spouse in the most positive way, this application allows a more collaborative co-parenting experience for both of you. The information stored in Our Family Wizard can also provide added documentation for your attorneys to help streamline the process of divorcing in California.  If looking for another helpful app to assist with communicating with a co-parent, read our previous post on using the coParenter App, which integrates artificial intelligence and human mediation to promote the best outcomes for children and their parents after a divorce.

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Tips for Getting Your Spouse to Agree to Divorce Mediation

If you are planning to divorce in the state of California in the near future, divorce mediation may be a workable solution for you and your former spouse. These divorce options allow you both to provide your input on the division of debts and assets, child custody and living arrangements during and after the decree is final. Here are some practical ways to convince your former partner to consider mediation for your upcoming divorce. Be Upfront With Your Intentions Bringing up the subject of meditation should not be an exercise in subterfuge. Openness and honesty will more often persuade your former partner to your position than attempts at trickery or subtlety. Being upfront about your wish to use mediation for your divorce proceedings will typically provide the best outcomes for these efforts. Attempt to Reduce Conflict These strategies can typically pay off in a more cordial relationship between you and your former spouse, which can usually result in improved results for divorce mediation proceedings. Explain the Benefits of Mediation Doing a little research on the mediation process and the advantage of using mediation to manage your divorce will often help you to make the most compelling case when broaching the subject to your former partner. Some of the most important benefits of mediation may include the following: By approaching your divorce in a calm and civil manner, you and your former spouse can achieve the best results and the most streamlined divorce proceedings possible. This can have real benefits for you and your children and will typically ensure that you achieve your goals of separate lives and brighter futures in the most positive way possible.

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Gift-Giving Tips for Divorced Parents

The holidays are a joyous time for most families and offer plenty of opportunities for sharing the spirit of the season with the ones who matter most. Finding the right way to manage gift-giving activities after your divorce in California can be a challenging proposition. This is especially true for divorced couples with children. Making sure that you and your former partner communicate your intentions regarding gifts for your children will help you provide the happiest holiday experience for the younger members of your family. Here are some of the most helpful tips for dealing with holiday presents this year. Keep Things Civilized Even if you and your former partner are not on the best of terms, making an effort to communicate in a civilized manner during the holidays can help create a festive atmosphere for everyone involved. If you and your former spouse can find a way to put your differences aside, you can collaborate on the gift-giving process and the entire holiday celebration. This will help ensure the best and most practical solutions for providing your children with the most joyous holidays possible. Compare Notes Nothing can ruin a holiday celebration more quickly than duplicated gifts, especially for expensive items that make up a good portion of your holiday budget. By working together with your former partner to decide on who will buy specific gifts, you will be able to use your available funds in the most practical way. This will reduce the possibility of disappointment when giving gifts to your children during the holiday season. Use Technology to Communicate If you have difficulty in communicating face-to-face or over the phone with your former spouse, email and texting can provide you with a convenient way to touch base without the emotional baggage that can accompany personal interactions. By limiting your communications to methods that require little or no direct back-and-forth discussion, you can promote a more cordial relationship while reducing the risk of misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Give and Let Go Once the presents have been given to your children, it is important to let go of any possessive thoughts about these items and allow your child to decide whether they want to keep your gifts at your home or at your co-parent’s home. This will ensure that your children feel as comfortable and secure as possible. By treating gifts as the exclusive property of your children, you can lower the chance that your children will feel as if your presents come with strings attached. This will help them be more confident and make their own decisions with greater self-assurance. Be Willing to Compromise With any co-parenting relationship, there may be disagreements on the right approach to raising your children after a divorce in California. Finding ways to overcome these disagreements and decide on the appropriate gifts for your children can be essential to your ability to continue to co-parent effectively in the future. A little kindness will go a long way toward resolving issues that could arise from your holiday planning process. By working together with your former spouse, you can create a memorable holiday season and a happy new year for your children and yourselves.

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When Divorce Mediation Can Work For You

Divorce mediation is a solid choice for couples who are on relatively good terms during their divorce proceedings. By opting for a mediated divorce rather than going to court to determine the terms of your divorce, you can often create mutually beneficial arrangements that will help both you and your former partner move on with your lives. Mediation may also be recommended for couples with children to provide the most comfortable interactions between parents and the best environment for children when navigating a divorce. Deciding whether mediation is the right choice for you and your former spouse can help you manage your divorce in the most practical way for your situation. Are You a Good Candidate for Divorce Mediation? Couples that successfully navigate the mediation process generally share some common traits. These characteristics can make the difference between a mediated divorce and one that ends up in court because of issues that cannot be resolved in a less formal setting. Here are some of the most important elements that must be present for mediation to be successful. Both Parties Must Agree to the Divorce The first and most important element for mediating your divorce successfully is an agreement on the part of both you and your former partner to divorce. Mediation is not appropriate for cases in which one partner does not want to divorce and is likely to contest those proceedings in and out of court. There Must Be No History of Abuse If abuse has been present at any point during the relationship, mediation is unlikely to be the right solution for your divorce. This includes abuse of your children as well as domestic abuse. If you or your former spouse have a history of abuse, enlisting a divorce attorney and going to court is usually the best way to deal with child custody and other matters pertaining to your divorce proceedings. You Should Be Able and Willing to Communicate Clearly Establishing clear lines of communication and being able to talk calmly and without undue emotion is also essential for a successful mediation process. This may involve talking with your mediation attorney or directly with your former spouse. In either case, leaving the anger and disappointment behind during mediation is likely to provide you with a better experience and more practical solutions throughout your divorce process. Both Parties Should Be Willing to Compromise Compromise and negotiation are at the heart of the mediation process. If you are unwilling to give up any of the things you want to reach an equitable agreement about, mediation is not the right choice for you. Negotiating a mutually satisfactory divorce will require a fair amount of give and take for both you and your former partner. A willingness to compromise is one of the most essential elements in a successful mediation process. For couples who are on fairly good terms, divorce mediation can provide added control over the process and the outcomes of these proceedings. This will often allow you and your former spouse to make the most practical decisions for your children and to move on with your lives in the most positive way possible.

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Improve Coparenting Communication by Using the coParenter App

Comprehensive Help for Coparents CoParenter is designed to help divorced parents make better decisions while reducing the need to go back to court to renegotiate custody arrangements and resolve disputes. The app incorporates a number of important features that can make it easier to share parenting responsibilities with your former partner. Some of the most important capabilities of the coParenter app include the following: Documentation of all messages exchanged between you and your former partner In-app tracking for expenses and reimbursements Check-in capabilities for you, your children and your former spouse Coaching on a group or one-on-one basis On-demand conflict resolution services Each of these features can provide real help for you and your former spouse in navigating your parenting tasks after your divorce. Documenting Your Messages Tracking and keeping meticulous records for all the communications you have with your former spouse is essential for establishing patterns and making sure that your ideas and concerns are documented. This can help you in dealing with changes in custody arrangements, disagreements about child-rearing issues and other conflicts that could potentially arise during your parenting process. Tracking for Financial Transactions Especially if child support is involved in your coparenting efforts, making sure you track the expenses you incur for your children and the payments you make to your former spouse will help ensure equitable distribution of expenses for both of you. This will ensure that no mistakes are made when recording financial transactions after your divorce. Check-ins Letting your former partner know when you and your child have arrived at soccer practice, music lessons or back at home will help you both manage your schedules more effectively. The check-in capabilities of coParenter will make it much easier to share information about your child’s whereabouts and his or her activities on an ongoing basis. Coaching Services and Conflict Resolution The coParenter app also allows you and your former partner to access customized coaching services that will provide you with the best guidance on dealing with the challenges of parenting after a divorce. The app also offers the opportunity to engage with qualified conflict resolution experts who will provide added help in dealing with serious disputes between you and your former spouse or partner. For divorcing couples who are on amicable terms, opting for collaborative divorce arrangements can provide added help in staying friendly throughout the coparenting process. Your collaborative divorce attorney can provide you with the right solutions for your needs and your future apart.

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Co-Parenting vs. Parallel Parenting and What is Right for Your Family

Finding the right parenting style after your divorce is final will help you and your former spouse or partner provide the most nurturing and positive experience for your children. Most divorced couples fall into one of two parenting styles: Co-parenting is a more collaborative approach to child-rearing that allows both parents to interact with each other and make decisions together. This method is best suited to situations in which the parents are on good terms and can speak easily to each other about their children and other important events in their lives. Parallel parenting is designed to allow parents to avoid unnecessary contact with each other. This is best in cases where hurt feelings and hostility may affect the ability of two parents to communicate without animosity. Understanding the different aspects of these two styles of parenting after a divorce will allow you to make the most appropriate choices for your children. Here are some of the primary differences between these options for you and your family. How to Collaboratively Co-Parent When Parallel Parenting Is a Better Choice This approach is intended to allow parents to provide real support for their children without allowing their personal feelings to interfere. As emotional upset fades over time, parallel arrangements can sometimes evolve to become more collaborative and cooperative. This can help you to provide the most positive support for your children after your divorce is final. Determining whether parallel parenting or co-parenting is right for you and your family is an important step in navigating the parenting process after a divorce. Both of these approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right parenting style is essential to ensure the best support for your children after a divorce.

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What To Do with Joint Credit Cards When Seeking a Divorce

Finances are often a major concern for divorcing couples. Joint credit cards can present significant challenges during the process of dividing assets and liabilities. It can be very difficult to determine the source of the charges on these accounts, which could lead to significant disagreements and conflict. Here are some of the most practical options for dealing with credit card debt during your divorce. Cancel Your Cards File Quickly If you and your former spouse are on unfriendly terms, filing quickly and getting your financial assets and debts on the record will protect you against unexpected changes to your credit card balances. Once your financial information is on record, any added charges made by your former spouse will be evident and factored into the division of assets and debts. This will help protect you and your financial situation during the first stages of the dissolution of your marriage and will allow you to move forward without the burden of crippling debt that you did not incur. Maintain Careful Records If you and your former partner have large amounts of credit card debt, it might be worthwhile to see a credit counseling agency to find practical ways to reduce this debt before beginning the divorce process. This can allow both of you to begin your lives in a better financial position and will provide benefits that will last for years to come. Finding the best ways to deal with joint credit cards and credit card debt can make divorcing your partner a much less stressful process. Using a few practical strategies will provide you with the best outcomes for your financial situation and your future.

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The Importance of Seeking Financial Advice Before Divorcing

If you are considering divorce, now may be the right time to consult with a financial advisor to determine the effects divorce proceedings will have on your budget and financial situation. Seeking financial advice before divorce may give you a much better idea of what you can expect during and after the separation of your assets and liabilities during the divorce process. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when planning for a divorce from a financial standpoint. Work With a Professional While close friends and family members may have suggestions for you regarding managing your finances during and after a divorce, they may not have all the facts and may offer incorrect advice for your situation. Working with a financial planner with proven experience is the best strategy for managing your finances throughout the divorce process. By working with a professional, you can achieve the best results for yourself, your children and your future. Begin the Administrative Process A lot of the work involved in separating your finances from your former spouse is administrative. Doing things such as closing joint credit accounts and transferring your direct deposits to a new bank account in your name only can protect you from unexpected actions by your partner during the lead up to your divorce proceedings. You may also need to change your medical directives and remove the power of attorney from your former spouse as well as changing the beneficiaries of your life insurance policy, pension, and other retirement accounts. If you do not have credit in your name, now may be the best time to begin establishing your own credit history to improve your financial situation in advance of your divorce proceedings. Take Stock of Your Situation Especially if you have children or teenagers to consider, looking at the bills you pay and the expenses you have every month can help you create a budget for your future. By seeking financial advice before divorce proceedings begin, you may be able to determine the amount you will have available for rent, if necessary, and to manage the unexpected costs that often arise for parents. Taking a thorough inventory of your financial situation and the outstanding debts and expenses you must meet every month can allow you to make good decisions and proceed with greater awareness of your financial situation during your divorce proceedings. Consult With an Attorney Working with a mediation attorney can be a good way to determine your legal rights and responsibilities before beginning divorce proceedings. These professionals can provide you with guidance on the laws applicable to your case and the likely financial repercussions of a divorce on you, your children and your former spouse. By taking the time to consult with a qualified and experienced mediation attorney, you will be laying the right groundwork for a better future. Planning can be a critical step in protecting yourself financially in a divorce. Working with professionals in the legal and financial field is often the best course of action when planning for a divorce.

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