CA Divorce Law and How Collaborative Law Helps
Understanding the role of collaborative law can provide you with significant advantages when you are considering or currently in the process of seeking a divorce in the state of California. For some couples, collaborative arrangements can provide significant cost savings and can reduce the stress associated with divorce litigation. Here are some key points to keep in mind when deciding whether collaborative divorce arrangements are right for you. Collaborative Arrangements Are Best for Amicable Divorces Collaborative divorce law depends on cooperation between the two parties. If you and your former partner are on relatively good terms, collaborative arrangements can allow you to work through all the details of your divorce without litigation and court appearances. These arrangements are not right for all couples, however. If domestic violence or child abuse allegations are factors in your divorce, presenting your case before a judge is usually the best way to resolve these issues fairly. Act in the Best Interests of the Children By working together, you and your former spouse can design innovative and creative solutions that work best for your children. This can reduce stress on members of your family and allow them to weather through this challenging time with the least amount of emotional disruption. Keeping things calm and friendly can sometimes protect your children against the most negative effects of the divorce process in California. Honesty Is the Best Policy Collaborative divorce proceedings work best when both parties agree to absolute honesty in their dealings with each other. If you and your former partner are able to share financial and personal details with each other during the collaborative law process, you can often streamline the divorce process and ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone involved. You Will Still Need Representation Even though you will not be going through the typical divorce process, you will still need a representative during these collaborative arrangements. Your legal representative will be with you at each stage of the process helping you analyze issues and work toward what is best for your family. This can prevent personal hostilities from standing in the way of an equitable solution. Collaboration Can Help Even After Divorce One of the most significant benefits of collaboration during divorce is the ability to make changes to the agreements without going before the court to request them. This can prove to be very beneficial in cases involving minor children or spousal support agreements. Rather than returning to the judge and requesting even the simplest adjustments to the court-ordered arrangements, you and your partner can iron out the changes with the help of your attorney and without engaging in costly litigation after your divorce has been finalized. Choosing to pursue a collaborative approach to your California divorce can help both you and your partner achieve your goals in the most practical and peaceable way possible. This can help your minor children deal with your separation and their new living arrangements more easily and can help you set the stage for cooperating on their behalf in the future. If interested in seeking collaborative divorce services in Fresno, California, contact Kezirian Law, P.C. today!
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